Use the following calculation -
Full year entitlement / 12 = monthly entitlement
Annual leave entitlement x months that will be worked in this holiday year = days annual leave
Example -
Person joined the school in May
26 days / 12 months = 2.167 days per month
2.167 days X 11 months remaining of leave year = 23.83 days annual leave
Term time only pay arrangements include a pro rata calculation of additional time for the 8 standard bank holidays, proportionate to hours and weeks worked. This is added to pay to provide, in effect, additional pay in lieu, to cover the equivalent time during the 13 weeks of school holidays. The bank holidays mostly fall during school holidays, so most people are not at work; however, they have all been compensated appropriately through the term time only pay formula.
Teachers receive a salary that takes account of the statutory leave provisions in the Working Time Regs (5.6 weeks or 28 days, which includes the 8 bank holidays) which they take during the school holidays.
No, the Council does not offer a life insurance product. However, there are death in service elements of both the Local Government Pension Service and the Teacher's Pension Scheme.
Generally, City schools should not pay for medical treatment outside of OH provision. Costs of different treatments and providers vary and it could be setting a precedent. It could be viewed as an inappropriate use of public money, which should be spent on teaching and learning. Also, paying for treatment could be seen as admission of liability in some cases.
That said, through Employee Wellbeing, you can arrange and pay for a course of 6 physiotherapy sessions for an employee, to speed their recovery, or pay for counselling, etc. The reasonableness of the time the person is away from work and cost of the treatment are important considerations.
The school, including Headteacher and Chair of Governors, should review the case report and LADO outcome with the investigator to determine whether any action is necessary regarding conduct/behaviour and record the rationale and decision. Keep a record of this for school records, along with the LADO outcome. The employee should be informed of the outcome as soon as possible by email, remembering to include any support available if applicable.
Where there is no further action, there would be no consequences for the employee - no implications for references, and no concerns recorded against them.
There is no specific rule against it, however the protocols for any arrangement should be discussed, such as the information in the Code of Conduct which says:
On occasions, staff may undertake babysitting and home tutoring outside of school time. These are separate arrangements and are undertaken by staff in their private capacity and not as representatives of the school and, therefore, no liability will rest with the school as a result. It is the responsibility of staff to inform the school that they are doing such babysitting or tutoring duties so that the amount of hours being worked per week can be monitored to ensure compliance with the Working Time Regulations. Members of staff will be responsible for accounting to HMRC for any income received from such work.
And also confidentiality, safeguarding precautions (so ensuring they a not in the premises alone with the child) and ensuring there is no favouritism.