Schools Statutory returns

Guidance for submission of statutory returns. Please note: Returns must be submitted using the Local Authority template, if you fail to do so we will ask for the information to be resubmitted using the correct template.

Statutory return



Budget Plan

Demonstrate how the school's spending relates to targets and objectives set out in the School Improvement Plan. Budgeting allows financial resources to be allocated, measured and monitored.

May each year

Monthly REC1

Ensure transactions in Financial Management Systems (FMS) matches bank statements and cash distributed by the LA.

Monthly as per Timetable

Monthly VAT files and Vat Submittal

Upload transactions from FMS to the Council's Oracle financial systems to ensure monthly Oracle transaction report include all transactions in FMS related to the relevant periods.

Monthly as per Timetable

Outturn Report

Forecast the financial position to the end of the financial year.

Termly as per Timetable; Deficit schools and converting schools are required to make monthly submissions

Oracle Amendment Form

Correct any coding errors for the school, either pay or non-pay.

As and when by schools

Budget Virement Form

Move budget between pay and non-pay.

As and when by schools

Cashflow Statement

Demonstrate urgent cash requirement.

Schools with cashflow issues, this form should be submitted by the 20th of the preceding month.

3 Year Financial Plan

Demonstrate how school is going to recover within 3 years.

Schools are required to submit their 3 year financial plan on 17 July

Deficit Recovery Plan

Explain in detail how the deficit will be removed.

As requested by the LA for Deficit schools

School Fund Audit

Provides assurance that records are complete, accurate and clearly show the financial position of the fund
