Behaviour Support Team (BST)
The team comprises of teachers and learning mentors, who have an in-depth understanding of the needs of children and young people and who work closely with families, schools and other agencies.
Our Early Intervention Team supports children and young people at the early stages of the R2i graduated response, helping to build capacity in settings to support colleagues through training and consultation. Our Intensive Support Team supports SEMH CYP whose school place is still at significant risk despite schools following a robust R2i graduated response. The team focuses on further unpicking of need, building capacity, staff wellbeing and co-production with families. Our RPI Solution Trainers deliver Positive Behaviour Support, De-escalation and Restrictive Physical Intervention (RPI) strategies to schools to build understanding and confidence around managing challenging behaviours, risks and support inclusion.
Through a holistic, multi-agency approach, we deliver a range of services, including:
Behaviour Audits
Circle of Adults
Circle of Friends
Observations – Whole Class or Pupil
Parent Support
Principles of Theraplay®
1:1 Pupil Support (personalised programme for an identified pupil)
Restorative Practice
SEMH Surgeries
Solution Circles
Support for SENCOs (e.g. HLN requests)
We provide training at staff meetings/Inset days on topics including:
Behaviour Management
Break Time Buddies
Circle of Friends
Circle Time for Whole Class and Small Groups
Emotion Coaching
Helping Children with Sensory Processing Issues
Key Attachment Person Training
Midday Supervision Training
Relational and Restorative Practice
Routes to Inclusion Graduated Response Continuum (R2i)
Therapeutic Approaches to supporting SEMH Children
Trauma Informed Practice
Understanding and Managing Stress in Children and Young People
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