Prices for ESEM Education Services East Midlands
Package costs for 2024-25
Schools and Academies will be required to buy separate packages for Learning Support and Autism.
The prices can be found on your annual services renewal form, on the tab - Service Desc with Prices. For further assistance contact
Packages of support to schools
Any additional sessions booked over and above the package purchased will be charged at the discounted package rate.
Larger packages may be discussed on an individual basis.
A 5% discount is available for schools that purchase a package and sign up for a 3 year contract.
Package content
Representatives of the school and the appropriate team(s) will agree the detail of the support required within the package.
The package does not include any costs incurred by school for attendance at central training events, conferences or network meetings. For further information re the SENCO Network, SENCO Conference and central training calendar please contact
Terms and Conditions
1. Cancellation by IES
If for any reason (e.g. illness) the IES are unable to deliver a planned session, the service will consider the following options with the school:
- Alternative staff member to deliver session
- Agree alternative date
- Reimburse school for service that has not been provided
2. Cancellation by the school
If a session is cancelled by school the following charges will apply:
- Two weeks or more notice - no charge
- Less than 2 weeks notice - 50% charge
- Less than 1 weeks notice - 100% charge to be made