Tree Services
NCC Tree Services
Trees offer many environmental benefits and are a tremendous educational resource. The correct management of your tree stock can result in significant financial savings. As well as avoiding costly legal action. The identification of issues early on can prevent a small job becoming a large costly one.
There are serious risks in ignoring your tree management:
“Under both the civil law and criminal law, an owner of land on which a tree stands has responsibilities for the health and safety of those on or near the land and has potential liabilities arising from the falling of a tree or branch.”
Source: Common Sense Risk Management of Trees, National Tree Safety Group.
There have been a number of high profile prosecutions under the Health and Safety at work act resulting from landowners neglecting their duty of care in relation to trees. In the case of fatalities the ultimate consequence can be a custodial sentence.
Arboriculture is a specialist service, and generally falls outside the remit of normal grounds maintenance. By having a defendable tree management policy, with surveys carried out by a qualified Arboriculturalist, the basic duty of care is met.
There are many diseases that can affect the health of a tree such as Ash Dieback and Oak Processionary Moth and some of these have presented themselves in Nottingham and surrounding areas. These diseases can cause trees to deteriorate in a period of 18 months.
Nottingham City Council Tree Services therefore offer the following option, to help satisfy your duty of care. Prices vary according to the number of trees and the size of school area.
Tree Survey package: A Tree Inspection and Condition Survey of the trees on your grounds which includes:
- A Condition Survey of your tree stock with a written report and maps.
- A GIS database logging the condition and management of your trees.
- Reactive / proactive assistance:
- Written quotes for Tree Surgery.
- Advice about individual trees that have been damaged e.g. due to the weather
- Providing advice with neighbour complaints
- Planting advice
- Tree Preservation Order advice
- Work and advice consistent with the Nottingham Urban Forest Strategy
The price for the survey is based upon the number of trees on site as per below:
- 1-35 trees £495.00
- 36-50 trees £549.00
- 51-70 trees £625.00
- 71-90 trees £685.00
- 91-110 trees £755.00
- 111-130 trees £825.00
Please contact Tree Services by email at
If you require a survey at your site. Academies will need to provide a purchase order number prior to the commencement of the survey.
If any Nottingham City Council maintained schools has trees on site and chooses not to use this service then they will need to evidence that alternative arrangements are in place that meet or exceed this management programme.
Name: Rob Haque – Tree and Landscape Services Manager